Seek You. Eine Reise in die Einsamkeit

Cover Seek You
Cover Seek You
© Helvetiq

Seek You. Eine Reise in die Einsamkeit byKristen Radtke

Translation: Boris Kenov


Reading Extract

CQ! The radio signal with which amateur radio operators seek contact via Morse code. In the English-speaking world, CQ becomes 'Seek You.' The father of American author and illustrator Kristen Radtke was an amateur radio operator, and the book is dedicated to him. In her graphic novel, she tries to understand her own loneliness. She marvels at the glamor with which society celebrates the cowboy's loneliness as freedom and explains social psychologists Roy Baumeister and Jean Twenge’s proof that social exclusion can make people more aggressive, drawing a line all the way to the phenomenon of Donald Trump. "What chases modern people so easily into the totalitarian movement and prepares them so well for totalitarian rule is the increasing abandonment everywhere," Hannah Arendt wrote as early as 1951. Between her excursions into science, Kristen Radtke repeatedly lets her personal trauma shine through - and thus invites us to reflect on our own experiences.