Fürchten lernen

Cover Illustration Fürchten lernen
Cover Illustration Fürchten lernen
© Edition Moderne / Nando von Arb

Fürchten lernenbyNando von Arb

Edition Moderne

Reading Extract

In "Fürchten lernen", Nando von Arb deals with the fears, anxiety disorders and panic attacks that have shaped his life since childhood. Fear of the dark, fear of nightmares, fear of illness and death, but also the fear of others, of social pressures, of failure. Von Arb portrays these fears and his efforts to tame them in a personal, honest and touching way. In terms of illustrations, "Fürchten lernen" is simply spectacular. Most pages consist of a single drawing, elsewhere two or three panels flow together into a masterfully designed image. The drawings are dense and colourful, stylised and expressive, abstract and sensual - Nando von Arb makes his fears visible and tangible. "Fürchten lernen" is a dizzying, haunted house ride through a maze of fears. And yet "Fürchten lernen" has a cheerful and whimsical side. Perhaps this is proof that von Arb has overcome one or two fears. We hope so.