Drei oder vier Bagatellen

Cover Illustration Drei oder vier Bagatellen
Cover Illustration Drei oder vier Bagatellen
© Franz Suess / avant-verlag

Drei oder vier BagatellenbyFranz Suess

avant-verlagDate of publication: May 2024

Reading Extract

The posture of the teenager, who has to spend a few days with his senile, stingy and reviled grandfather reveals everything: the discomfort in his own body, anger and insecurity, which he covers up with aggression. And then he realises that he has forgotten his charging cable and spare underpants. Everything goes wrong, the weekend becomes a long, agonising, lonely nightmare. In other stories from "Drei oder vier Bagatellen", Austrian author Franz Suess delves deep into the soulless abysses of online dating. He dissects expectations and disappointments, lies, hypocrisies, exploitation and ultimately the feeling of disgust, emptiness and loneliness. Franz Suess' milieu studies captivate the reader with their unsparing look at people on the margins of society; losers, outsiders, the failed and the marginalised. He tells their bleak dramas in expressive, grey-grounded drawings, unembellished and yet empathetic: he never parades his characters. The humour is sharp and black, but you don't want to laugh. Franz Suess is the chronicler of a world that rarely finds its way into comics.