Marie-Pascale Gafinen

Porträtfoto of Marie-Pascale Gafinen
Porträtfoto of Marie-Pascale Gafinen
© Xenia Bluhm

Marie-Pascale Gafinen works as an illustrator at the intersection of internal and external change. She studied Communication Design at HBKsaar and Environment and Bioresources Management at BOKU Vienna.

With her illustrations, live visualizations and workshops, she supports those who are actively driving change towards a more ecologically and socially sustainable future. In doing so, she consciously depicts what is often not made explicit: Emotions, system dynamics and everything that remains blurred and intangible. She sees this level as the key to far-reaching social change. 

In her current comic project, she explores the depiction of stories that take place in the inner experience of the characters.

Website von Marie-Pascale Gafinen Marie-Pascale Gafinen bei Instagram